Friday, October 30, 2009

OK....Things can get worse.

I had another bad night last night. This 2 am bedtime thing has to stop. I just can't take it anymore.
Today started like any other Friday. The alarm went off at 8 am. Friday is a work day for me, so I have to set my alarm. I thought, I have time to hit the snooze at least once. Have you ever had a dream that has come true? Mine did. I was having a nightmare. As I said yesterday, my dad had his knees replaced. My nightmare was that something was wrong. Something with dad, was wrong. I opened my eyes moments before my phone rang. I thought that maybe this was part of the dream. Was I really awake? My mind said, ok either it is my boss telling me to come in early, or something is wrong. My phone just doesn't ring at 8am for no reason. It was Mom. My heart sank when I saw the caller ID.
"Hello" and all I hear is crying. I try to translate what she is trying to tell me. "Its dad" that's when I knew. I am sure I am having a really bad dream. Nope.... I wasn't. The doctor had just called her and dads blood pressure and bottomed out over night to like 80/40. His kidneys were failing. All I responded was... I am on my way to get you. See you soon. I hung up. The tears started to flow and flow and flow.
Called my hubby, whom called his co workers, trying to get his shift covered if he needed too.
Called my boss...
Called the in-laws, whom still had the kid...
Got dressed... In the same clothes I had on yesterday... Brushed my teeth... Made a cup of coffee ... And out the door I go.
I am not a very emotional person. I don't let my feeling known. I keep everything inside. That didn't work very well this morning. Its really hard to cry and drive.
Picked up mom, and off we go. Its only about a 10 min. drive to the hospital from our house. This morning, it seemed to take for ever. I got stuck behind every slow person, school bus and truck I could think of.
We get to dads room. I just am not ready for this. He's sleeping. Sleeping. What? The doctor said his kidneys are failing and his blood pressure is dropping. And he's sleeping. So after talking to the nurse, yes he's bp was low, and the kidneys were not working very well. But... Ok...what is really happening.
After hours of sitting and waiting... Answers. They are hoping this is just a reaction to the epidural. His blood pressure was rising, and his kidneys were starting to react. But the doctor did say, it will get worse before it gets better. A deep breath. The stress. I felt like I had been hit by a bus. Every part of my body hurt. Just plain worn out.
So for now, everything is ok. I should know more tomorrow. Now, try to get some sleep.

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